Sunday, April 8, 2012

Condescending Wonka


Yeah, that's right, I'm talking to you.

The Condescending/Creepy Wonka meme was born late 2011 on Reddit as a series of sexual double entendres for candy. The image is a screen-cap of Gene Wilder in the 1971 version of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, but you would know that already...

The image is striking as it easily conveys sarcasm and condescension, two feelings difficult to express.

Condescending Wonka follows the standard meme pattern of template and variation.

Here are two more variants:


Condescension, unfortunately, is not a very good tone to take with blog readers, so it's best to refrain from doing it too often.

However, it is okay to take advantage of another person's lack of knowledge so you can pointedly inform them of the existence and irony of a meme featuring Gene Wilder. Figuratively of course!

Condescending Wonka has gained popularity on social media sites such as Facebook and Reddit, and continues to be in circulation despite it being nearly a year old.

The longevity of memes is difficult to assess, and it's hard to tell how long a meme will likely continue to surf the interwebs in any significant capacity, but old Wonka still decides to pop his head in once in a while as proof that sarcasm is the future of internet communication.

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